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Mental wellbeing

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Healthy Workplace Ecosystem

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), mental health is an integral part of health; indeed, there is no health without mental health.

Mental wellbeing

It is important to dive deeper to better understand and practise the art of self-care and mindfulness and learn how to better support your peers and loved ones in need.

Benefit from workshops that equip your tenants and community with ways to better manage stress and build mental resilience, alongside skills to recognise signs and symptoms of common mental health conditions.

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Two-hour sessions

One-hour sessions

One-hour workshops

Two-hour sessions

Introduction to Peer Support (Level 1)


The talk on the topic of ergonomics aims to equip participants with valuable knowledge and practical tips to address common musculoskeletal problems and other health conditions resulting from poor ergonomics. This engaging and informative lecture-based workshop is designed to enhance workplace well-being and productivity.

Introduction to Psychological First Aid (Level 2)


The two-hour workshop on Introduction to Psychological First Aid (PFA) is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the topic. The workshop will cover the basics of PFA, including an overview of the process, crisis reactions, and how to target support. Participants will learn about the importance of PFA and how it can be used in times of distress. They will also gain an understanding of techniques for providing emotional support, learn about recognizing signs of distress and how to respond, and be equipped with strategies for assisting those in need.

At the end of the workshop, participants will have the skills and knowledge necessary to confidently and successfully provide psychological first aid.

Basic Attending Skills in Crisis Situation (Level 2)


This two-hour workshop will provide participants with the necessary skills for attending to crisis situations. It will cover basic attending skills, such as active listening, crisis attending, validating skills, and responding to expressions of emotion. Participants will learn how to apply these skills in a crisis situation and will gain an understanding of how to create a safe and supportive environment for those in need. The workshop will also cover how to identify and respond to signs of distress, how to recognize when a person is in need of further help, and how to refer them to appropriate resources.

At the end of the workshop, participants will have the skills and knowledge necessary to confidently and successfully provide crisis attending skills.

Helping a peer in crisis (Level 2)


This two-hour workshop is designed to provide participants with the necessary skills to help a peer in crisis. Throughout the workshop, attendees will be introduced to the principles of supportive conversations and practical help, which are used to help individuals feel heard, validated, and supported. Participants will also have the opportunity to engage in role-play exercises, where they can practice applying these principles in a safe and supportive environment.

At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to apply their new skills in a variety of situations and will have the confidence to provide meaningful support to their peers in times of distress. With the skills and knowledge acquired from this workshop, participants will be able to make a real difference in the lives of their peers.

Anger Management


This two-hour workshop on Anger Management is designed to help participants identify and manage their anger more effectively. Throughout the workshop, attendees will learn about the importance of recognizing and understanding their irrational beliefs and physiological responses, which can contribute to feelings of anger. Participants will also gain insight into their anger warning signs and learn safe coping strategies to manage their anger in a healthy manner.

This workshop is suitable for individuals who would like to learn how to manage their anger better, including those who have difficulty controlling their anger, those who are in a relationship with someone who struggles with anger, and those who simply wish to become better at managing their anger. By attending this workshop, you will acquire knowledge and skills that will enable you to recognize and manage your anger more effectively and in a healthier way.

Introduction to Mindfulness


This two-hour workshop on Introduction to Mindfulness is designed to help participants learn about the practice of mindfulness and its many benefits, and how a regular mindfulness practice can improve their mental and emotional wellbeing. Participants will also learn how to practice mindfulness effectively, including the techniques and resources available to support them.

This workshop is suitable for individuals who are interested in learning about mindfulness and want to incorporate mindfulness practices into their daily lives. By attending this workshop, you will gain knowledge and skills that will enable you to start a regular mindfulness practice and experience the benefits of this practice for yourself.

Art of Self Care (Level 2)


This two-hour workshop on Art for Self-Care is designed to help participants understand and experience the power of self-expression through art. Throughout the workshop, attendees will have a hands-on session where they can engage in creative activities and explore different art mediums. Participants will learn how art can be used as a tool for self-care, stress reduction, and emotional regulation.

This workshop is suitable for individuals who are interested in exploring different ways of self-care and those who want to learn how to use art as a form of self-expression. By attending this workshop, you will have the opportunity to engage in a variety of creative activities, experience the benefits of art for self-care, and learn practical skills to incorporate art into your self-care routine.

Increasing Employee Engagement (Level 2)


Employee engagement is an important factor in any successful organization, but it can be difficult to maintain. This two-hour workshop will provide insights and strategies to increase employee engagement in your workplace.

Participants will gain an understanding of the importance of emotional support in the workplace and how to encourage and offer support to colleagues. The workshop will also cover the significance of taking breaks and providing employees with opportunities to determine their own pace and order of tasks. Additionally, participants will learn how to recognize and address workplace stressors that may impact engagement and productivity. The workshop will provide practical tips and techniques for increasing employee engagement, such as effective communication and feedback, recognition and rewards, and promoting work-life balance. By the end of this workshop, you will have the tools and strategies to create a more engaged and productive workplace.

Check in session with peer supporters (Level 2)


This two-hour check-in session is designed to provide trained peer supporters with the necessary tools and strategies to effectively manage their peer supporting journey in a sustainable way, without jeopardising their own physical and mental health. This session will include discussion and scenarios to help participants identify potential challenges and learn from each other. Furthermore, the session will also provide an opportunity for peer supporters from different settings (e.g. schools, workplaces, community) to widen their network of support.

The discussion will focus on the challenges in providing peer support, as well as how to effectively process and manage negative thoughts shared by peers. Additionally, participants will learn strategies to continue conversations with peers who may be hesitant to open up, as well as knowing when it is appropriate and necessary to cease peer supporting.

*Our programmes are offered on a complimentary basis. Simply register via HPB’s Healthy 365 app to secure your spot. Contact us to find out more.

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One-hour sessions



This one-hour Stress Management and Mindfulness talk provides participants with practical tools and techniques to manage stress effectively. Participants will learn about the nature of stress, its impact on our well-being, and how to become more aware of stress triggers and responses. The talk will also cover stress management tips and signs of stress, including behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and physical symptoms.

The talk introduces mindfulness as an effective tool for reducing stress, exploring its benefits on stress reduction, interpersonal relationships, and work productivity. Participants will experience different mindfulness exercises, such as mindful breathing, and learn how to apply them in their daily lives, including techniques for “letting go.” By the end of the talk, participants will have gained practical stress management strategies and mindfulness techniques that they can use to improve their overall well-being and manage stress effectively in their daily lives.

Holistic Self-Care


This one-hour Holistic Self-Care Health talk focuses on introducing the concept of holistic well-being, with mental health as a primary focus. Participants will learn about the importance of self-care in achieving optimal health and well-being, covering topics such as sleep, nutrition, physical activity, and more.

The talk will help participants develop and change unhealthy habits, finding the motivation to succeed and setting and monitoring health goals. Participants will learn practical strategies for creating and maintaining healthy habits, including ways to identify and overcome obstacles to change. By the end of the talk, participants will have gained insights into holistic health, developed a personalized plan for self-care, and learned strategies for achieving optimal health and well-being.



This one-hour Mindfulness Program provides participants with an introduction to mindfulness as an effective tool for managing stress. The talk covers the signs of stress, how stress arises, and the benefits of mindfulness, including its effects on stress reduction, interpersonal relationships, and work productivity.

Participants will experience different types of mindfulness exercises, such as mindful breathing, and learn how to apply them in their daily lives, including techniques for “letting go”. By the end of the talk, participants will have gained practical mindfulness techniques that they can use to reduce stress and improve their overall well-being, along with tips for incorporating mindfulness into their daily routine.

Good Sleep Management


In this one-hour Good Sleep Management talk, participants will learn about the benefits of having sufficient, quality sleep and how to improve their sleep habits. The talk includes a self-assessment to identify any existing sleep problems and practical tips for better sleep, such as how to power down and create an optimal sleep environment.

Participants will also learn about the factors that lead to sleep problems, including bad habits that can interfere with quality sleep, and tailored sleep tips for different job natures such as shift work, international trading, and frequent traveling. The talk will cover common sleep disorders like sleep apnea and insomnia and provide information on where to seek help if needed. By the end of the talk, participants will have a better understanding of the importance of good sleep and practical tools to improve their sleep habits for better overall well-being.

Managing Emotions


In this one-hour programme, participants will learn how to manage their emotions in a healthy way. They will start by identifying different emotions such as sadness, anxiety, anger, and happiness. Practical tools will be provided to help them recognize and understand their emotions. Then, participants will learn healthy ways to manage their emotions, such as practicing mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, and positive self-talk.

By the end of the programme, participants will have a better understanding of their emotions and how to manage them in a healthy way. They will have practical tools that they can use in their daily lives to help them regulate their emotions, reduce stress, and improve their overall well-being.

Building Positive Relationships at the Workplace


In this one-hour session, participants will learn about building positive relationships in the workplace. This will include understanding and managing conflict, effective communication, understanding different personality types, and the importance of peer support. The session will explore practical tools and techniques for improving communication, resolving conflicts, and building positive relationships with colleagues.

Participants will learn about the benefits of positive workplace relationships, including increased job satisfaction, improved productivity, and reduced stress. They will gain insights into different communication styles and personality types and learn how to adapt their communication and behavior to improve relationships with others. The session will also emphasise the importance of peer support and the role it can play in creating a positive and supportive workplace culture.

*Our programmes are offered on a complimentary basis. Simply register via HPB’s Healthy 365 app to secure your spot. Contact us to find out more.

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One-hour workshops

Managing Stress Creatively


This workshop allows participants to immerse themselves in a relaxing and engaging session and helps them to temporarily take their minds off stress and anxiety while practising mindfulness. 

During this session, participants will also be introduced to what stress is, the different triggers and symptoms of stress, as well as be brought through a short relaxation exercise. Coping tips will be shared, and participants will be able to take home their very own hand-made craft by the end of the session.

The Art of Mindfulness - Art Jamming


Painting and expressing oneself can serve as a therapeutic activity that can help to take the mind off the daily stresses in our lives. During this art jamming session, participants will also be taught the importance of taking breaks and picking up relaxation techniques that they can use during challenging times. Participants will then be brought through some techniques such as deep breathing and progressive relaxation.

Grateful for the Small Things - Learning Positive Thinking - Gratitude Journal


Gratitude Journaling can lead to many benefits, including helping to better managing negative thoughts and worries, and promoting positive thinking. 

In this workshop, participants will design and create their very own gratitude journal and be guided on how to make journaling a regular habit. They will also pick up other tips on how to boost their mental well-being in their daily lives.

Reframing Thoughts - Learning to Manage Your Emotions - Art Jamming with Positive Phrases


This workshop aims to help participants understand how reframing their thoughts can positively impact their well-being and better manage day to day challenges. Participants will learn about the different types of unhelpful thinking patterns and how to reframe them in a more positive and realistic manner. They will also get to create their own Positivity Collage as a reminder to think positively, even in trying situations.

Staying Connected - The Importance of Social Support - Cards


In this workshop, participants will understand the importance of having strong social connections with others, and how that impacts on their well-being. Participants will also pick up some skills on how they can also play a crucial role in supporting others. To concretise their learning, participants will engage in creating cards to connect with others.

The Different Relaxation Techniques to Manage Stress


In this workshop, participants will enjoy a therapeutic session and pick up a range of relaxation techniques, such as guided imagery, progressive relaxation and body scan. They will also be equipped with coping tips for daily mental well-being. Other than caring for themselves, they will also be guided on how to reach out to those around them and provide support if needed.

Activity: Relaxation Techniques

  • Participants will be guided to experience different relaxation methods such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness body scan and guided imagery.

*Our programmes are offered on a complimentary basis. Simply register via HPB’s Healthy 365 app to secure your spot. Contact us to find out more.

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Healthy Workplace Ecosystem

We aim to make health services accessible, affordable and available to all, in effort to build a Healthy Workplace Ecosystem within the nation.

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Healthy workplace ecosystem

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